Following the same real-time format as predecessors "24" and "24: Live Another Day," "24: Legacy" follows Sgt. Eric Carter as he joins forces with former National Director of CTU Rebecca Ingram in a race to prevent a major terrorist attack on U.S. soil. After leading an elite squad of Army Rangers in a mission to kill terrorist leader Ibrahim Bin-Khalid, a fatwa declared against the team members and their families by the Shiekh's followers forces Carter into federal witness protection. An attack on Carter's life makes it clear that their identities have been exposed, leading him to enlist Ingram's help. The two uncover a terrorist network that leaves them questioning who they can trust.
جندى امريكى و الذى يعتبر بطل مميز يعود للوطن و لاكن المشاكل و الاعمال الغير منتهية تلاحقه اينما ذهب و يلجأ للحكومة لكى تساعده على انقاذ حياته مقابل التعاون ايضا معهم لحماية و التصدى لاكبر هجوم ارهابى على الاراضى الامريكية
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