Jim Gordon is a rising detective in corrupt Gotham City, where his late father was a successful district attorney. Brave, honest and determined to prove himself, Jim hopes to return the city to the glamorous, purer version he remembers as a child. He and his partner, legendary Detective Harvey Bullock, must navigate the dirty politics of Gotham's justice system, even as they tackle a high-profile case, the murder of billionaires Thomas and Martha Wayne. Gordon becomes a friend to their young orphan, Bruce.
تدور أحداث المسلسل حول القضايا التي يشرف عليها المفتش جيمس غوردون والأشرار الذين جعلوا من مدينة غوثام في غاية في الخطورة، الوقت الزمني لأحداث المسلسل سيكون قبل ظهور البطل الخارق باتمان
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