Mensa-fied best friends and roommates Leonard and Sheldon, physicists who work at the California Institute of Technology, may be able to tell everybody more than they want to know about quantum physics, but getting through most basic social situations, especially ones involving women, totally baffles them. How lucky, then, that babe-alicious waitress/aspiring actress Penny moves in next door. Frequently seen hanging out with Leonard and Sheldon are friends and fellow Caltech scientists Wolowitz and Koothrappali. Will worlds collide? Does Einstein theorize in the woods?
تدور القصة في هذا الجزء حول تعامل (بيني) مع اعتراف (ليونارد) بأنه قام بتقبيل إمرأة أخري أثناء التحضير لحفل زفافهما في لاس فيغاس. وفي الوقت نفسه لا يعرف (شيلدون) ماذا يفعل بعدما قامت (إيمي) باتخاذ قرار بإيقاف علاقتهما لفترة مؤقتة.
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