When rebel and loner Vincent saves the beautiful and troubled Roxxy from a violent drug dealer, he doesn't expect her to accept his offer to recover in his rural hometown. But Roxxy is always a surprise, bonding with his brother, standing up for herself and making him a better person. He is almost ready to forget his criminal past when their pursuers catch up with them, leading to a cycle of violence and revenge that will leave no one unscathed.
تتلاقي مسارات رجل وحيد يعيش في المدينة مع فتاة متمردة خلال فرارهما خارج حدود المدينة ممن يلاحقوهم، وخلال رحلتهما معًا ينكسر الجليد شيئًا فشيئًا ويقعا في الحب، لكنهما يكتشفا أن العنف يلاحق كلاهما أينما ذهبا.
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